
All we consume has an effect on how we function and how we feel.

There are some basic nutrition rules for everyone. But as we all have our unique body structure,
something that works great for one, doesn’t have to be as good for another. Personal lifestyle, age
and constitution is important to find the right ingredients for you. Using the knowledge of Ayurvedic
nutrition will help you to feel better during your cycle, lighter in your body and simply healthier.

The key is to understand our individual nature and reconnect to ourselves
so the food will not only nourish our body, but also our soul.
Treating the body as the temple so it will give us this love back.

Let me help you with that.

Ayurvedic detox under the guidance

To feel light, connected and energised.

What’s included:

  • 3 online consultations (1,5h/call)
  • Main Detox Recipe for 7 days
  • Recipes for building up a healthy diet after detoxing
  • Workbook for emotional release


  • 1st consultation: we start with an intake and the intention for the detox both for your physical and emotional body. I will share with you the general basics of Ayurvedic nutrition. You will receive the Main Detox Recipe and information about spices and their effects.
  • 2nd consultation: we will talk about your experience during detoxing. I will give you a helping hand wherever it’s needed. Through the consultation we will see which food you can implement to your personal Ayurvedic diet. Consciously we will increase your healthy diet to make it a regular one for you. You will receive a cooking booklet with inspirations for your Ayurvedic recipes.
  • 3rd consultation: a mindful sum up and closing consultation which prepares you perfectly for a fresh start into your individual Ayurvedic diet.

Program takes 3 weeks
Price: €234

I am ready to start

Ayurvedic nourishment consultation

To treat your body with love and care.

What to expect:

  • Individual approach: based on your constitution,
    life situation and needs
  • Delicious recipes
  • Magic of spices
  • Ayurvedic do’s and don’ts


  • We start with an intake and the intention for the Ayurvedic consultation. Each of us is different and has different needs. With the help of Ayurvedic knowledge, spices, recipes, and proper nutrition, we can improve your eating habits, adjust the diet to your body’s needs and support you during your Moon cycle.
  • All is welcome, let’s explore it to give your body what it needs. As the way to your heart and alignment leads through your stomach :)

Each consultation takes 1,5h*
Price: €55 / consultation

I am ready to start

* To achieve a desired effect
3 consultations are recommended