
Do you sometimes feel that you are on the right track, have wind in your sails and your heart is wide open?
Feeling good in your body and light in your mind? Oh how amazing would it be to have more of these moments!
Well, I have good news for you.
You can definitely bring more ease and alignment to your daily life through loving self-care and Ayurvedic practices.
Make it an easy, smooth and joyful experience!

How does it work?

We always start a consultation with a short intake.
We will discover if you need to find a way to do a regular, tailored self-love practice in the morning,
maybe implement some Ayurvedic Sadhana, or perhaps you want to benefit from Ayurvedic female nutrition
or get in tune with your cycle. We can also discuss and shape your individual yoga and pranayama practice
or find the most suitable Mudra or Mantra.
All of that to make you feel in tune with yourself and in love with your feminine nature.

No matter if you look for a one time consultation or long term plan, I’m here to give you a helping hand.

Book a consultation


online through Zoom

How long:

1.5 h

Energy exchange:

